In 2014 we started to offer re-processing of seismic data to one of your clients. This had been very well received as prior to successful seismic interpretation.

It is mandatory for somewhat older 2D seismic lines and 3D cubes to improve the signal-to-noise level and resolution limit. This will mostly boost interpretation quality at focused reservoir target levels as a consequence. Lifting data quality according to better standards is a must, making it generally also worth to carry-out modern QI and seismic attribute techniques on POSTSTACK data.

In particular by applying PRESTACK data-analyses, modelling, data conditioning, velocity screening and pattern recognition techniques we deliver not only better imaged data after stack, but also might use the full data content, wave propagation phenomena and derived elastic/ fluid parameters that otherwise would be lost in the stacking process. It is mandatory not to waste companies money with expensive interpretation staff or consultants working on seismic data as the adagium of “garbish in-garbish out” still applies.

Solegeo collaborates with a small team of seismic data processing specialists who  could easily accommodate this pre-interpretation workload in a very short time span.

We use to work with latest release of FOCUS (Paradigm Geo) and PRESTACKPRO (Sharp Reflections) software that run on fast CPU clusters and mobile work stations.

We offer a first one-to-two week re-processing test on a subset of your 2D or 3D seismic data for free in showing the potential of data improvement.

4-Days Geological Field Trips to be organised by SoleGeo during the last week of July and the first week of August 2016.
If you are interested in participation please contact :

Be inspired

Geology of the Faroe Islands